Translations – A dance for the non-visual senses
Translations was developed by choreographer Naomi Brand (All Bodies Dance Project), in collaboration with VocalEye and a team of artists and blind and partially sighted consultant over the course of 2 years (2017-2019). I have been involved in Translations from the beginning. I have published and presented this work in different occasions.
R - Bergonzoni, C. (2021). Translations. A dance for the non-visual senses. Danza E Ricerca. Laboratorio Di Studi, Scritture, Visioni, 13(13), 217–230.
R- Bergonzoni, C. & Brand, N. (2018). ‘Translations – A Dance for the Non Visual Senses’, Performance Matters, 2019, vol 5, n. 1, pp. 149-157.